Holiday Etiquette - Regifting to Politics

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Regifting to politics: Holiday etiquette hotline answers all your questions

Is it ok to ask for an invite?

While you can’t ask for an invite, there are ways to get invite in a more polite manner.

If you are invited somewhere, but a significant other is not, tell the host you can’t come because you are spending time with your boyfriend or girlfriend.

“You decline the invitation and state why you have to decline, and then the guest can totally say we have room … or thanks for letting me know.”

Is it OK to regift?

The institute used to advise against regifting, but because people do it anyway, they’ve come up with guidelines on how to do it without hurting anyone’s feelings.

“It’s very simple, 1. Make sure you are 99.9% sure the person who gave it you and the person who you give it to aren’t going to find out you regifted.”

It can be extremely hurtful and possibly damage a friendship if someone finds out their “gift wasn’t worth anything to you.”

You should avoid regifting anything that is personalized or handmade.

“It can’t be anything unique.”

And last, you must assume the person who you are giving the gift to will actually like the gift.

“We’ve heard countless bad stories of people giving a cheeseboard with someone else’s wedding date on it, or people giving gift bags and the original card winds up in the bottom of the bag,” she said.

The safest bet is to avoid regifting or do it the right way, she said. Regifting to politics: Holiday etiquette hotline answers all your questions