What is Wealth without Class? The latest Chinese Status symbol - Western Manners and etiquette
What is wealth without Class?
The latest Chinese Status symbol are seeking Western Manners and Etiquette
Modern Etiquette school - Dedicated to teaching businesses, millennials, adults and families how to use etiquette for creating the most effective conversations and interactions.
Simply knowing how to hold a fork and knife correctly and comfortably can make or break your next business deal or social occasion. If you want to be the best you need to demonstrate the know how.
From the classrooms of the Australian Finishing School, the nouveau riche are receiving deportment classes, but it's not just manners and dinner party pleasantries that the students learn, they're also skilled in areas of how to pose in public, how to raise children and even how to pronounce luxury brand names.
With 190 billionaires and more than two million millionaires, China tags just behind the US in number of high-net-worth individuals, according to research from Forbes magazine and Boston Consulting Group.
Many of these fortunes have grown rapidly, in lock-step with China’s newly expanding economy and multiplying business opportunities. Some who find themselves newly wealthy have little knowledge or training in how to behave in international business or social events. As a result, some businesspeople may appear uncouth and blunt to their western or Asian counterparts. Finesse, on the other hand, can smooth many business transactions.
Amanda King is the Director of the Australian Finishing School (established 2009) and is a modern-day version of European finishing schools that caters to Chinese nouveaux riche. Other courses offered by the school located in Sydney, include how to raise children, proper table manners and luxury brand pronunciation.